Week 24- Mistake Bead

Week 24 

opps, didn't realize the picture would be so large.  I fold formed a bracelet that took on a life of its on.  It curved so I couldn't wear it… problem solved when I annealed it and twisted into the large bead that you see. I am going to use leather to make a necklace.

November 20, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 2 comments.

Week 24: Jade Necklace

Orangejadenecklace7smallOrange Jade, Honey Jade, White jade, Fresh water pearls, Champaign Quartz, Sterling silver and Fine silver :-).

More images in my blog.

October 31, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 4 comments.

Jean Power- week 24- Carnelian and copper necklace

I have been working like mad recently writing and making all the finished pieces and step-by-step samples for my third book so this simple necklace was made to illustrate turned loops.

Jean Power


September 7, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. Leave a comment.

Sea Swans – Coiled Sterling Wire, Apatite, Chrome Diopside, Chrysoprase Earrings

Swans2mid Playing around with more coiling and base shapes and came up with these…I names them "swans" after the popular style of handwrought wire clasp!  Swirls of 18g sterling wire were formed, then coiled with 28g sterling wire.  Originally, these were going to be  embellished with more of the gemstones, but they were looking a bit busy, so I opted for these tiny Hill Tribe silver beads.  They actually make the earrings more sturdy as well.  I chose this combination of chrome diopside, apatite, and chrysoprase (well, you know me and my "green" thing) because I thought the grouping was unexpected.

Oxidized for a vintage-like patina and dangling approximately 2.5 inches from handwrought sterling earwires, these cool-hued lovelies are sure to add a breath of salty sea air to your outlook!

Thanks for looking…comments always welcomed!





August 15, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 1 comment.

Melissa Muir – Week 24


PanthercolorsRectanglesilverthread_2Okay, this is the last one for today. Sorry to hog the front page.

In my never ending quest to be like Maggie, I bought the book "Elegant Wire Jewelry" By Kathy Frey. The pieces in here were a lot of fun and it was so much fun to play with wire again. I have a lot of practicing to do to make my wraps look nice and neat. But one day I might figure it out. 😉

August 4, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. Leave a comment.

Week 24 – Gemini

Gemini are the twins, so I made two of one thing, just like twins, and look! They make a pair of earrings!! So yeah, I basically cheated. I used the last matched pair of this amazing lemon quartz marquises. I knew I wanted to do a pair of earrings like this with those quartz, I had seen a pair of earrings similar on calista flockhart on the red carpet. After having the idea for quite some time, I finally took the plunge and did them. I really like how they came out. They’re just oxidised SS and the marquises. My baby twins 🙂

July 11, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 4 comments.

Not on theme

In week 11 I made a neckring for the Barbados culture theme.  I finally finished the earrings.  They are simple copper disks, stamped and dapped to match the necklace and placed on wire wrapped silver rings. 

Carolyn    aka  Lily and Iris004

June 27, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 2 comments.

week 24 Dichro and seed beads

There is just no way that I can stay on theme and be on time so I have given up trying to be on theme and am just letting the creative breeze blow me where it may! 
This is a dichro cab I purchased wrapped with sterling on a crochet rope.


June 26, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 1 comment.

MOMMAKAT: Winter Queen’s Crown II

Winterqueenscrowniia062108 Made with 16 & 24GA sterling wire, sterling beads and pearls.  for more info and pictures please check out my blog:


June 23, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. Leave a comment.

Gemini- Totally off topic

OK so this has nothing to do with twins or anything like that.  I guess if you stretch it way way out there, there are twin copper beads on the side!  LOL  Anyway, I got in the mood to wire wrap.  So, I took a drilled chunk of black agate and worked it into this!  I am trying to decided if I will cut the tail and work it to the back as a pendent or use it to connect to a frame of more agate stones.


Nubian Looking Glass

June 19, 2008. Week 24- Due 6/15. 2 comments.

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