So Far Behind-Iza’a cross

I can’t even tell you how busy I have been, I am months behind. Not because I haven’t made jewelry, I just can’t seem to get the pictures done… I have several things ready and will post and do my best to catch up.  I have been looking at everyone’s beautiful things and trying to find my path.  Things seem to be coming together in some of my things.  I have been doing alot of wrapping/weaving and even when I think it is well done, once I LOS then every little mistake shows up… oh well, I will continue on.Week11

Overall I was very happy with this.  I think I got the weave totally backwards, but I still love this. I have new ideas for celtic cross I want to try!  Thank you Iza!

June 4, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. Leave a comment.

Jean Power- weeks 10 and 11- geometric 3.4.5 monochrome

The latest piece in my geometric beadwork series.
I have wanted to do a completely monochrome version for a while so was pleased to finally do it.
I love beading these pieces and playing around with pattern and colour. Each of these bracelets takes at least 30 hours which can get a bit repetitive- especially as once I start one I always come up with the idea for my next couple- and then have to spend the next few weeks finishing that one!

Jean Power


May 20, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 3 comments.

Custom Ring

Custom_ring_best Another comission completed.  Yeaaaa!  I have a show again in about two weeks and I really want to play and make some new stuff and now I can!  I have completed all but one of my current comissions and I reinforced to my client that it would take me a couple of weeks to even begin to work on her order so I have a little time to breathe before I have to get to work on it.  Thank goodness … I need to let my muse take over for a while. 🙂

This carved rose is made of angelskin coral and it was previously set in a ring by another wire wrapper.  The ring was damaged – how I am not sure – but it was beyond repair when it came into my hands.  Though rings are a weak point for me, I took the comission especially for the challenge because I want to become better at ring work.  I think I am fairly pleased considering what I had to work with.  The coral was chipped and broken in some places, but I managed to cover those unsightly spots up with the wire to help disguise them.  Given the style of the ring before, I think that Ms. Joan will be pleased with the outcome as well.

Okay … I’m off to play!  Weeeeeeee

May 4, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. Leave a comment.

Week 11 – Barbados – Late!

So I am a few weeks behind. I have been working though, but then I also got to travel to Miami and I attended my first ever Bead Show, which is where I bought these glass beads by Tammy Osczepinski. I just realized that I paid more for these beads than I ever do for gemstones… Well anyway, these beads reminded me of the beautiful waters of a barbados pic I had found before leaving and I thought it would fit the theme. Also some swarovski crystals, chinese amazonite and silver. 

April 25, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. Leave a comment.

Aquamarine All-Swirled-Up Pendant

Aquamarineswirlweb_2 Please bear with me for posting a few catch ups today.  I went on a cruise back in March, and have been trying to catch up ever since! Believe it or not, I made most of the jewelry on time, but haven’t had time to photograph and post! Too much going on these days…

I wanted to try my hand at the swirled link chain. The aquamarine chunk, (mined locally) is in a half-round sterling continuous wrap.

April 16, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 2 comments.

Azure Xtabay Barbados

Playing catch up here with a vengeance… While still not very talkative I did want to point out a few of the finer qualities of this pendant. For starters its one of the smallest pendants I’ve created in quite a while measuring in at 1 1/8” x ½”… The large center stone is rough Aquamarine, with a dark green rough Emerald  on top… I so love the gemstones in the rough, you can really get a feeling from the stone…Then I surrounded the rough Aquamarine with 2mm faceted sapphires…  I actually set stones as small as 2mm FINALLY 🙂 YEAH  been working on it for quite some time now… using nothing but wire to do it with 🙂 Poor torch wants to know why I bought it if I’m never going to use it… LOL
OK hope yall enjoy this piece I know I had a great time in creating it 🙂
Oh and before I forget, the color scheme reminds me of the water that surrounds Barbados.Axtry2

I,m trying to add a picture of the piece so you can see its real size hope this works…


April 8, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 8 comments.

Shiva’s Gift -Shaktipaj

ShivasgiftForgive me for being behind, I’m really trying to catch up! As some of you know, I always refer to my husband as my Beloved. He is that and more: he is my friend, my strength, my protector, my Stephen,  my Shiva. One of my last posts was a pendant that he took for his. This necklace is ultimately his gift to me. I have never owned rubies before, not even one. My Beloved man rarely buys me finished jewelry, as my tastes do not flow in that direction. I found this beautiful strand of 6mm rubies and was trying to justify keeping a few. He looked me square in the eye and said " A few? No, these are all yours." He meant it, and so I created the pendant to accent them and hold the love I carry for him when I wear it.

Some of you may recognize a variation of my bead caps on the sides and top of the focal. Done with these beads, they look somewhat like small pagodas. The clasp is a new experiment. I like the form and LOVE the way the toggle bar turned out, but the attaching loop is a bit clunky for the piece. It’s not delicate enough, and throws the balance off. The necklace is 24 in. long.The focal bead is 2.5 in. long. I might recreate the toggle and LOS it. We’ll see…I’m in love with this version right now.

Comments ALWAYS welcome. This quarter is starting to be awsome in the YOJ! All of you are amazing! Perri

EDIT: Your wishes are my commands!  I’ve updated my Blog with other views and close-up pics. Please visit!

April 5, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 15 comments.

Weel 11

Agatepearlnecklace2 Agatepearlnecklace Hand cut stone, pearl, silver and leather. I had a hard time deciding what to hang this pendant on, but I like how it turned out in the end.

March 23, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 2 comments.

Week 11: Spring blossom Pendant

I finally had some time to try out Robbie’s new Spring Blossom Pendant tutorial. I made this for my new friend over here in Holland who also makes jewelry and is a member of the forum too :). I hope she will like it. She is coming over to visit me tonight. The pendant is made with SS wire and CZ’s facetted tear drops that have a great sparkle and fire (and they where a gift from Robbie for Christmas 🙂 ). Dscf0052_copy


March 23, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. Leave a comment.

Barbados Blue

March 22, 2008. Week 11 - Due 3/16. 1 comment.

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