Talk about being behind …

Metamorp Talk about being behind!  My goodness!  I have made tons of new jewels but I’ve been so busy with preparing for shows, working shows and trying to catch up on comissions that I’ve not done much more here than pop in to view the pretties as of late.

This entry is a necklace that I made using Robbie’s wonderful new blossom tutorial.  I just LOVE it.  It was so much fun to do that I can’t wait to get these comissions out of the way so that I can make the things I WANT to make as opposed to the things have to make.  UGH.  I sure like the money from comissions, but I prefer to follow my whim when making jewelry … which is why I am often NOT on theme.  LOL

When making this little pretty I found that I wasn’t too thrilled with my cluster of stones on the front.  I just couldn’t seem to get the balance right.  Then I remembered the spirals on Shay’s recent ‘little bit of sunshine’ pendant that she won first place with in the Metalchasers Spring contest and I decided to add few to cover my unsighty unbalanced spot.  The coiled spirals saved the day!  Thanks for the inspiration, Shay!

April 30, 2008. Week 10 - Due 3/9. 5 comments.

Week 17: Growth

Hmmm…the only connection I see with "growth" here is….I finally started making earrings! LOL!! These are Carnelian and Citrine beads, and Citrine briolettes, sterling silver, and fine silver.


April 30, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 5 comments.

Week 17

A little late and not on theme. Coiled bangle in 16Ga copper with silver coil and silver foil glass bead. I love making these, simple and relaxing. Technique is Sharilyn Miller’s.

20080429_0553_edited1 20080429_0543

April 29, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 1 comment.

Week 17 – Ring for Mom

I received Iza’s a"Ethnic Ring Tutorial" yesterday and couldn’t wait to create.  I tweaked it a little to make it my own.  It is sterling with tiny Iolite faceted roundels, large Citrine faceted roundels and various sized small round sterling beads.
This will most likely be a Mother’s day/Birthday gift for my Mother. Last year was awful for her my father passed last May 19th and I am determined to make this year as wonderful as possible!


Laura Cohn
JLC Designs

April 29, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 3 comments.

Week 17 – Mixed Metal Earrings – Randi/Dax58

I don’t really follow the themes, but I think I could easily align these with the theme "Growth…."

I’ve been playing around
with techniques, trying to come up with designs that use a variety of
techniques (which make them unique) while keeping the overall effort
fairly simple. These pretty much accomplish that – I’ve got a little
forging, some stamping, a bit of dapping, and a smidge of soldering!
Add a little antiquing and earwires, and voila – we have earrings! I always love mixing copper and silver together, it looks like fashion and economics (the high price of silver) are merging – my mixed metals pieces remain my favorites!

I will be doing more in this style – I have plans for pendants, bracelets, rings, and more earrings… they will posted here soon!

Comments are always welcome… check out StudioDax for more about my teaching, My Jewelry Blog for more on my FSOJ projects, and My Website for more of my jewelry. 

Thanks,  Randi

April 28, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 3 comments.

Growth – Coming Back Full Circle

Coming_back_full_circle This was a theme very close to my heart.  When I first began wrestling with wires in November 2007 (read: wire-wrapping), my first piece was a pair of asymmetrical earrings. Not by choice but borne out of necessity because I simply couldn’t make both sides identical. Yes, my eyes were rolling then too, amidst some massive hair-pulling and wire smashing, I admit. After that, I started making more asymmetrical earrings because they were just so much fun!

Now, after 6 months of playing ring-a-round-o-rosey with wires and pliers, it appears I’ve come back full circle with these uneven babies 🙂 it seems fitting, yes, as a mark of personal growth 🙂

Thank you for looking, all comments and critique appreciated!

xo Sheela xo


April 28, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 4 comments.


Hello again my friends! Well as far as the theme is concerned (growth) my piece was done in all earth tones and the pendant is a-symmetrical something I am not use to doing. I like all the possibilities that can come from this type of design, so I guess this is my growth part. The shell are provided buy a supplier that Eni has Listed on one of her info pages. They are a very nice place to buy shell beads. In this set I did the necklace, post earrings, and a ring all based on Eni’s tutorials with a few of my own twists added. Thank for looking C&C always appreciated. Week_17 Linda Rosa My web site

April 27, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 4 comments.

Fool’s Gold

Foolsgold I am still behind, but I whipped these earrings together this evening.  They are thin yellow shell discs with gold-toned wire wrapping and yellow glass beads.

April 27, 2008. Week 14 - Due 4/6 [2nd Quarter]. Leave a comment.


  When I was shopping the other day I saw this strand of beautiful Mother of Pearl shells.  I just couldn’t resist buying them as I thought what a beautiful pendant they would make.

I only have the one photo but will try and post the back side tomorrow.  The base is 18ga sterling and it is fully wrapped/coiled with 24ga sterling.  I then took more 24ga sterling wire and began attaching the shells.  It didn’t come out quite as I had envisioned but I still think it’s pretty and summery.  Any critiques and comments would be appreciated and thank you.

Carol Ladine


As promised, here’s a photo of the back of the pendant.


April 27, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 2 comments.

Growth-It Continues-Week 17

Week_17tubular_bangleThis is a piece I made this weekend.  Using a new medium….copper tubing.  I happened to have a lampwork bead that had a big enough hole to fit over the tubing.  In fact it was a little too big and I had to come up with something to keep the bead from sliding all over the bangle….thus the wire wrapped on each side of the bead.  It’s very comfortable to wear and I believe because the shape the copper tubing took the bangle stays in place and doesn’t end up with the clasp on the top of my wrist.

Visit me at:  Perles and Life


April 27, 2008. Week 17 - Due 4/27. 2 comments.

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