Week 9: Hidden Meaning

The hidden meaning behind this piece is the story of a mum who lost her 16 year old son to Cancer. She thinks of him as an Emerald Heart. I think of gold as the color of highest love…the love of a mum for her child. So I made this pendant for her, showing that her love is enfolding her son always, no matter where he is now. The shape of the gold weave is also to signify the womb. And yes…she loved the pendant. Phew! 🙂

I made this pendant with a 50 carat genuine, but opaque Emerald. Again, it did not have a notch for the classic heart shape, so I made a similar bezel to my Sapphire one. I had a tough time weaving with gold-filled wire. It is so much easier with sterling silver. This was getting brittle easily and breaking…wasn’t as soft as the silver. So the weaving is not as good as the silver one in my Sapphire pendant. Also, when I take the picture, I am unable to show the depth of this piece. It looks flat here. It is not. The woven frame is kind of like a wave from the top surface of the stone to the bottom surface. I have also made a bail, but now each time I try to take a picture with the bail, it looks crappy. LOL!


February 29, 2008. Week 09 - Due 3/2. 9 comments.

Week 10 — Copper seed bangle

Copperseedbeedbangle Copperseedbeed2

Sorcie’s post in the CWJ forum inspired me to try a seed beed spiral. Here’s one in copper and brass. It was tricky. It took forever to string those tiny beads on a 24 g wire! Then I learned very quickly that you have to plan to leave a long piece of extra stringing wire and as you wind, allow the beads some play. Otherwise it gets too tight, and the wire breaks! I’ve been looking at several strands of tiny copper and brass beads I got at the Tucson show since last year. They’ve been hanging on the peg board in front of my bench just waiting for inspiration! Usually I make the bangle with a plain spiral bead in silver, which I learned from "Bead on a Wire," but decided to try copper and brass this time, what with the high price of silver! I like the way this looks!

February 29, 2008. Week 10 - Due 3/9. 4 comments.

Week 9 Hidden Meaning

Beige1 Beige2 Grey2 Greybackground This is a peice I did for a forum challenge. I cut and polished the blue/green stones and did all the silver work. It definitly pushed me, I’ve never spent so much time working on a piece. 

February 29, 2008. Week 09 - Due 3/2. 6 comments.

Pisces zodiac sign



Blue is the colour for this theme. And here it is – a heavy, ornate pendant, which has two faces and is one of my greatest jewelry loves ever 🙂 Kyanite, iolite and sapphire, all in oxidized fine silver. For more pictures, please, visit my gallery

Thank you 🙂

February 29, 2008. Week 10 - Due 3/9. 2 comments.

Week 8- Druid’s Secret

Oak_leaf_and_acorn_necklace Melinda Willis creates these intricate ceramic beads and vessels with natural themes.  I fell in love with this cerramic vessel with oak leaves and an acorn stopper.  I paired it with sterling links that look like oak leaves accented with keishi freshwater pearls.  Also on the necklace are two of Melissa’s daintly little acorn beads and some twisted jasper beads.

I also made a pair of earrings to match using the same jig I used for the links of the necklace.


Ninde’ Designs Nindedesigns_logo_web_avatar  Oak_leaf_and_acorn_necklace_flat_2 Oak_leaf_and_acorn_necklace_with_ea

February 27, 2008. Week 08 - Due 2/24. 3 comments.

Black Majesty- week 9

Blackmajesty800 There is no real hidden meaning (off theme this week) this simply a piece that I was working on and decided to submit for week 9.  This is the most recent piece that I have finished.  It is a pendent of black agate and copper.  I started out going for a piece to put into a bracelet.  However, the agate decided that it wanted to be a pendent instead.  I need to design of chain to put it on.  The poem is here.

February 26, 2008. Week 09 - Due 3/2. 9 comments.

Week 9 — The Hidden Meaning

Lesliepin Hidden meanings — a pearl in a box.

This is a repeat of a design that I made last year for the loom shop, which sold almost immediately. Last week was my sister’s birthday. For her gift, I offered to make her any piece of jewelry she’d like, and she quickly responded "I loved the pin with the pearl."

Done. It’s going in the mail today!

February 26, 2008. Week 09 - Due 3/2. 7 comments.

Week 8

B297_3I like doing sampler pieces with each component different yet tied together by a common thread.  Here I’ve got a double helix link, a kuchi koil bead, and a horseshoe link, all of which are made with twisted & coiled wire and oxidized and polished to resemble the pre-fab toggle.  I had an extra bead in the set of lampwork, so I dangled it from the toggle ring.  More photos here.  Comments welcome!


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February 25, 2008. Week 08 - Due 2/24. 3 comments.

Strange Attractor – ShaktiPaj

Strangeattractor02My hands sometimes give me a bit of trouble, so when they feel good, I make hay while the sun shines! Lots of coiling and forming, lots of 26 and 28g sterling wire and beads. I’ve always thought that the materials can remain fairly simple, and you can still create a thing of intricate beauty. I’m not much of one to run after the newest trend – there is too much yet to explore in what is currently available. This is another gifting, if the style suits the recipient. Comments and critiques are always welcome. Perri

If you are interested, wander over to my Blog and check out the other views, as well as the first one that got made. (It was too "not right" to post here) I also answer the How Long? and How Big? questions in a bit more detail.

February 25, 2008. Week 05 - Due 2/3. 13 comments.

Hidden Treasures

The necklace tells the story of God’s love and eternal life.  The black crystal represents sin…”for all have sinned”…Romans 3:23.  The red crystal reminds us that Jesus blood was shed to redeem us… Ephesians 1:7.  The clear crystal, sparkling and pure is a picture of God’s forgiveness when we confess…1 John 1:9.  The blue crystal represents faith and the abundant grace of God…Ephesians 2:8 and the waters of baptism which represent repentance and commitment…Matthew 3:11.  The green crystal symbolizes spiritual growth…Colossians 3:16.  The gold crystal symbolizes God and his love which is more precious than gold…John 3:16

016   All of the crystals are held together with love knots reminding us of God’s love for us.  All of the crystals are Swarovski.  An interesting observation when I was deciding which picture to use for the blog…the bicones on either side of the rondelles were green when I used the photo cube(flouriscent lights) and pale peach in outdoor light.  I had used cantelope for its changeable quality and had forgotten.  010

February 25, 2008. Week 09 - Due 3/2. 3 comments.

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